Criminal Minds: Night Lights (2019)
Season 14, Episode 11
Duck tape? Really?
8 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I love Criminal Minds. But sometimes they just get it wrong. This is one if the worst.

It was a good idea. But really. Victims are taped to a table with 1 strand of duck tape. 1 stand! You can see that during the filming it wasn't staying put. Watch it and check out the shots where we see their heads taped to the table. The actors have to stay really still because the tape is coming away from the flat table on either side. You can see it puckering.

That really should have been the trigger for the director to call it.

The victims don't even attempt to struggle. Well of course not: doing so would have destroyed the tape illusion.

I guarantee that when the director called "cut" the actors just sat up, breaking the tape.

The plot didn't even rely on duck tape. Maybe somebody paid for it? Mr and Mrs Duck?

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