I enjoyed it but in sametime movie has too many punching holes
5 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to love this movie, I wanted to put it on my top 10 list of films I enjoyed film it was fun to watch it was getting to point movie doesn't drag it along like Godzilla (2014) but theirs no plot in this movie witch is good because you want just Godzilla and Kong kicking ass each other not 3 hour plot movie with more human and less Monsters this is mix it shows Humans and Monster both together and no one, no one wants a slow build up it's just too slow and boring I agree from that, that's what film is theirs no plot or storyline that's good but film itself characters humans were boring their was nothing to them and also in character directions were pointless just priceless and pointless so much plot holes and useless things that what killed movie for me I deal with it but I can deal with so much plot holes I can't deal with this movie but In sametime I enjoyed this movie I had fun with it, it's fast paced something happens in film not a long drag 3 hour or 10 hour Avengers Endgame I just wanted a fast paced film with tons of battles and destroying action that's all your their for if your Godzilla & Kong die hard fan I loved Kong Skull Island, Godzilla King of Monsters more then this

sorry to say too many plot holes like for explame. Maya Simmons (Eiza González) character was pointless and unneeded so has to be other villain in this movie you have 1 villain in movie that is Walter Simmons (Demián Bichir) look i love Eiza Gonzalez she is hottest Mexican girl I love she was known for From Dusk till Dawn TV series, Baby Driver, Altia Battle Angel, Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw, Bloodshot, Cut Throat City and many more movies she is in her character was just pointless because she is sent to join with in team with Nathan Lind (Alexander Skarsgård) and with Dr. Ilene Andrews (Rebecca Hall) to know what's going with Kong while he is ship theirs twist of film is she turns bad she is their to kill Kong I am like okay do you think at end of film she is their to kill Kong with her team A top-tier Apex Cybernetics executive oh she has to be daughter with main villain Walter witch was pointless she didn't need to be villain you know what she could been?? Just goodly having other villain to kill Kong was pointless movie just needs 1 human villain 1 villain monster that's all you need for this movie but she is their to kill Kong we all know that Kong is not gonna die in movie we all know that's not gonna happen but something has to happen in a very stupid way we all know Kong was not gonna die at film by Maya Simmons character unless if Peter Jackson King Kong written this movie then she would have won but her character wasn't needed at all their that was point it's not just because I am saying oh she is pretty and hottest girl I am trying to say she was pointless and unneeded what was point of having her entire half of movie to have her as villain and to kill Kong when his not gonna die in movie oh we need someone to try to Kong well you know he doesn't die in movie, described her role as a "very smart woman behind a company." She also described the film as "slightly comedic." González noted having enjoyed the fact that her character was a Latina woman with a high position within a company, and not forced into a stereotype I am like yeah was that smart of you trying to Kill Kong when you can't kill Kong with a ship with 50 cal machine guns is that smart??? I didn't need her character in movie at all I don't know how Eiza agreed to this movie and script and how did it make sense for her for this movie?? Who knows anyway in this movie all you need is 1 villain and 1 monster villain you don't need 2 villains in movie all you need rest of cast to be goodly you don't need to make Eiza as villain and don't need to make her as villain father just make her as lead or just cameo just being a good girl character whatever you wanna call it because her character in this movie was pointless and useless

and human actors were just boring nothing to them expect I love Eiza Gonzalez her character doesn't have to be bi*ch she but her character was but I don't blame her it's writers anyway. I thought main actor Alexander Skarsgård was just horrible bad acting horrible he is like a blank piece of paper that's his acting only movie I enjoyed was 13 (2010) but he is not main role in that movie but him as lead role in this movie was just crap acting and boring he is boring as a blank piece of paper they could used many other actors or just have Eiza Gonzalez as lead have a female that's something different or just have Kyle Chandler as lead like in Godzilla King of Monsters have him and Eiza Gonzalez team up together and then other character Rebecca Hall as Dr. Ilene Andrews A Monarch anthropological linguist witch she was nothing to her character at all she was boring and has terrible horrible acting but have her as cameo but just have Kyle Chandler and Eiza Gonzalez has lead. But no it has to be different role for different actor I don't mind that but casting is missed placed I thought some of other actors were just annoying as hell that what toke me out of movie even more and character direction like with Eiza Gonzalez not just her but other character direction was pointless does every new Godzilla sequels has to be different main actor??? Pointless

other plot hole of movie title doesn't relate to movie IT'S BATMAN VS SUPERMAN all over again this title should been called Godzilla & Kong because if theirs no winner well their was a winner in film but it's not winner winner but you have this main villain monster Mechagodzilla attacking city and killing people billions of people and then Godzilla and Kong is now teaming up even Godzilla won fight against Kong theirs your answer she when you make a VS movie like Alien VS Predator and Freddy VS Jason their was a winner they DIDN'T TEAM UP TOGETHER its one winner hates other challenger that's it not Godzilla and Kong teaming up after fight it's called Godzilla vs Kong they fight one wins, one goes down not they fight then you have other villain monster coming in they team up pointless just pointless human characters pointless having Godzilla and Kong battle each other pointless just so much plot holes see this title should be called Godzilla & Kong that's when you think they will team up together if it's VS one has to win and other has to lose but one wants that, no one has guts to do that sadly to say but in sametime I enjoyed film I never got bored, never got sleepy, it was a on going movie it was just fun to watch and never cared for actors just their for Godzilla and Kong that's all human actors you wanna say forget them your just their for action, monsters, and for fun, and for battle that's all you their for to see this movie I thought music choices were annoying as hell you will hear stupid dam lousey music in film like Elvis Presley music so many other annoying music in movie killed it that's what threw me out of movie, trailer of this movie just wants you to bring you in wants in exactly what I said you understand it, in other hand I enjoyed movie for fun for fun EPIC battles. CGI and sound was amazing but would have been nice to hear some of the original Godzilla theme and cinematography was great and Great action sequences I had with it but sametime to deal with punching holes in movie is something I can deal with but I can't deal with Godzilla (2014) film that's my opinion but this movie 6.10.
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