Doctor Who: Fugitive of the Judoon (2020)
Season 12, Episode 5
The beginning of the end for Doctor Who.
4 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The new showrunners and writers of Doctor Who have no clue about past continuity of Doctor Who. This episode is a clear example as to why this is the case.

The Doctor discovers a past incarnation that predates The First Doctor. This is a ridiculous premise for the following reasons.

1: This past incarnation is calling herself The Doctor. The Doctor did not assume this moniker until Ian Chesterton started calling him by that name in the episode An Unearthly Child. So why a former version of The First Doctor is calling themself The Doctor makes no sense.

2: This former Doctor is running about in a TARDIS that has the exterior of a Police Call Box. The First Doctor stole a TARDIS that had a defective chameleon circuit that stopped working after he travelled to 1960's London, which is why the TARDIS is stuck with the Police Call Box exterior. So why is this earlier incarnation of The Doctor travelling in a TARDIS with the Police Call Box exterior? Again, this makes no sense.

Besides the lazy writing, this episode itself is cringe inducing viewing. It's as if the bbc are looking for an excuse to cancel the series. Again.
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