Final Fantasy XV (2016 Video Game)
An Enjoyable but Flawed Entry in the FF Series
4 April 2021
FFXV gets a lot of things right. The world is stunning, the music (as usual) is exquisite, and the character and monster designs are awesome. Sadly, the game is bogged down by an excessive amount of empty space and wasted potential.

Open world RPGs are a difficult thing to perfect. Games like Skyrim are able to incorporate a massive map because of the sheer content and substance within. While FFXV definitely has the geographic size to compete, much of the gameplay is spent simply traversing from point A to point B in silence. While enemy encounters are relatively common, they don't do quite enough to liven up some of the game's downtime. Longer distance journeys in the game are made via driving a car, which can take several minutes and get long-winded very quickly.

The combat system is entertaining, but it can become a bit monotonous as character attacks are made by simply holding down a button. It's helped by item usage and special moves with team members, but it still feels a bit like the game is playing itself.

Despite these drawbacks, FFXV shines in its worldbuilding and story. The voice acting is top-notch, and in Final Fantasy fashion, the player is taken on a thrilling and emotional adventure. Dungeon exploration is great, and the boss battles are wondrous spectacles to behold.

Ultimately, Final Fantasy XV is a mixed bag. It will definitely please die-hard fans of the genre and series, but newcomers and casual fans may have difficulty with the monotonous world travel and sparseness of some of its environments. Either way, it's worth a try.
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