Review of The Ripper

The Ripper (2020)
We get it Netflix, men are bad...
3 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The Ripper is a decent 4 part documentary that clumsely weaves in a 4 part mini series within the doc about feminism and all men are bad. Eh, okay.

My first point is that because there is a murderer killing women that walk the streets alone at night the police advised women to not walk alone on the streets at night. Seems like good advice. The police never said you must be escorted by a man nor did the government make a law forbidding women to walk the streets alone at night. What's the femisist take on this? Patriarchy! So, ironically in order to protest the good advice of to not walk alone in the streets at night the femisist organize a women's group, yes a women's group walk in the streets at night. So you're protesting the advice by following the advice. Ok, cool, you show'em sister!

My second point is the condemnation of the police that it was released that the majority of victims are labeled as prostitutes by police. The femisist scowl at this then while interviewing the last women who the killer was with said she would have been killed if not for a traffic stop conducted by the police because she was a prostitute. Even the killer admits he was targeting prostitutes. The police have to form victim profiles in order to determine investigation strategies. If the killer is targeting prostitutes then you don't deploy the majority of your surveillance teams at 9am in the banking district. It also serves to warn ladies of the night that they are being targeted.

My third point is that yes, mistakes where made in the investigations. In fact huge mistakes happened. However, I will say that when a case likes this grows to the size it did it gets uncontralbe. So much data is pouring in that it becomes very easy for information to fall through the cracks. A single homicide investigation with little to no evidence is extremely difficult, now multiply that tenfold and it becomes a miracle when the killer is finally captured. It's an odd thing when it comes to the public and police. Everyone becomes and expert and with the benifit of hindsight says they should have done this of that. It may be the only profession that this happens in. You never hear about the public opinion on how they would have designed a building different when it collapses but everyone has an opinion on police work.
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