NIce movie but could have done better
3 April 2021
The movie is really nice, the way they told the story is also very nice. But sometimes the movie is pulled back by lack of experience in the crew. Being an Indian animated movie, we can ignore that. The movie has many plot points missing from the actual Mahabharata, Movie assumes you know that plot points. But they should have told those as it feels incomplete. The movie is about 90 minutes long. So they had time to cover all the missing points and increasing the movie length by 10-20 minutes. But I didn't understand why they chose to avoid some important parts. Nevertheless, voice artists have done fantastic jobs and animators also put effort to make it look beautiful. Dialogues are also well crafted.

I read a book about Mahabharata days ago and I didn't remember it perfectly but I remembered some points and they were changed in this movie. Which confused me. So those who haven't read Mahabharata in detail might get good first-hand experience, but if you have read any other version, the movie might confuse you and take your attention away from the main plot. I am not against the changes they made to make it reach from book to video form, they need to adjust some parts, but the movie is very less explained so it disturbs you as you try to feel the Mahabharata you know in the places where the movie isn't focused which create confusion.

There are many versions of Mahabharata which has very little change in them. I don't know which version is followed in this movie but in India, in different states, we read and hear different versions. So if you are making a movie for the Indian audience, you need to tell everything in detail as people will find it confusing if something is missing in the movie but a plot point related to that is used somewhere at a later point.

And that's the only complaint oi have. Nevertheless, you can watch the movie if you are an Indian mythology fan.
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