Godzilla 2000 (1999)
An enjoyable return to form.
30 March 2021
Coming off of the heels of the much maligned 98 film, Toho quickly brought back the true King of the Monsters. Of course a consequence of this fast tracked production is that the film contains a lot of interesting ideas that would benefit from more exploration. Indeed the main thing working against most of Toho's Godzilla films is not budget but time. The 90s Gamera films had around half of the budget of the Godzilla films but are widely considered to be superior. And while to the veteran Godzilla fan this film might not be a standout, it is definitely a welcome return to form with enough creativity and entertainment to be worth checking out. Also, while many fans consider the American cut to be superior, I enjoy both the Japanese and American about as equally.
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