Did they think Eric Roberts was going to elevate this??
29 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The only actor I recognized in this waste of time was Eric Roberts. I assume he only took the movie for the money - or maybe he had a couple days to kill. They say a really good actor improves a scene by making other actors work harder. That did not happen here. Eric was just as stilted as everyone else. It seemed like the actors saw the script right before shooting the scene with no rehearsal whatsoever. That's how the entire movie came across.

Veronika Issa as the assumed lead tried hard to project toughness and authority, and was sort of successful. Unfortunately the dialogue was poor and the makeup was worse. In fact, after traveling all day to get to the bedside of her sick father, the women appeared to have been made up by a teenage Goth. In fact you have to gather from the dialogue that her dad died before she got there. Thankfully the heavy makeup disappeared after that scene.

The special effects were high-grade schlock, apparently making use of readily available video editing software. Overall the idea was not the worst I have seen, but execution was waaaay below standard. If you really want to waste your time on this movie, then the only way to watch is to stream. Then you can fast-forward through the middle crap and get right to the laser beam business.
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