Dull and Boring
27 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I don't get the high ratings for this episode. I wasn't impressed by the first episode, and this second one makes me wonder if this show will have any legs. As much as I love the Falcon and Winter Soldier characters, I don't see them as leads. They are great supporting characters. Maybe it's due to the actors. Or the script. Not sure. But I find myself bored while watching the show. There's no chemistry between these two.

Now for my main gripe with this episode. Here's where we get to the spoilers. IMO, Captain America Winter Soldier is not only one of the best MCU movies but one of the best superhero movies of all time. Cap met his equal when he battled the Winter Soldier. So now, a new Cap, that has NO super strength, is the one that comes in to save the day? Falcon and Winter Soldier are getting their respective butts kicked, and it's unpowered Cap with the edge? Bucky, especially, seemed very weak in this episode. Sadly, this happens all too often with superheroes. The writers change their abilities to fit the script.

I'm also not impressed by the new Cap. My prediction is this entire series is a setup for Falcon to take up the shield and be the new Cap. As others have stated, I may wait and binge-watch the final four episodes at another time. Right now, I find it all a bit dull.
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