The Luring (2019)
I really enjoyed this film
25 March 2021
The Luring is a movie about a one sided relationship where Garrett is still trying to see what his options are which is why he's so curious to go back up to Vermont and using his lost memory as an excuse. Unfortunately his girlfriend is so in love she doesn't see the red flags. I think this happens a lot more often then we'd like to admit and I think The Luring makes an intelligent social commentary about these types of relationships. Kind of like an ugly truth. That's why there is beautiful artwork in the house because all is not right or as it seems. If you like a film that engages you and has a lot of easter eggs The Luring is a really fun watch but nothing about it is typical, this is by true definition a psychological thriller, a chess game rather than the checker films that flood every streaming platform. It's nice to see a film that deals with peoples insecurities, kinks, weakness and strengths. I really enjoyed this film a lot, I also think it's great what they did with clearly not a large budget rather rely on a really good story.
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