Definition of the word "downgrade"
24 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What an absolute mess. Its quite a shame, I enjoyed the first Wonder Woman movie very much and had hope for the DCEU when it came out. Patty Jenkins really delivered with the first movie. What a disappointing let down this sequel is.

The movie felt more like a cheesy romantic comedy than an action packed superhero movie. With a very sappy unoriginal moral of the story, cheating is wrong. Wow oh my god! Chills down my spine with that amazing life lesson! I guess cheating is wrong

The editing is atrocious and choppy

The story has so many plot holes with questions left unanswered and I don't mean that in a good suspenseful way.

The scene where Diana makes the invisible jet is ridiculous. Theres no indication of Diana or any amazon learning or having the ability to make things invisible before the Jet

The Idea of only Steve's consciousness returning in a strangers body and not Steve in Steve's body is completely unnecessary. Magic Rock with unlimited power that can grant any wish, yet can't bring a man 100% from the dead only his consciousness.

I also ask, why bring steve back at all? I like the character and Chris Pine's performance but why bring him back at all? His character died in world war 1 and the movie is set in the 80s. 70(ish) years after Steve's death and Diana still isn't over him? Really?

Kristen Wiig's character as cheetah is an overused cliche. An under appreciated nerdy individual who is walked over, used, and ignored like a rug by everyone suddenly gets amazing abilities and becomes the bad guy after not wanting to give those abilities up. It's an overused cliched concept and the CGI for cheetah was atrocious. Taking us back to Steppenwolf level of CGI in Justice League 2017. I expected more.

When Max Lord tells people to make wishes all at once, first of all none of those wishes should've happened as they were not physically touching max lord. Secondly, you're telling me not a single person out of the literal millions of people granting wishes didn't wish for the end of the world or world peace or anything that would've drastically altered the plot or world?

Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, and Pedro Pascal all deliver great performances. But even then its just not enough

Disappointing. The DCEU is hanging on by a very thin thread. This movie did not help in the least
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