Spencer's BIG 30 (2018–2020)
Awesome!Quick ,Vegan, Vegetarian, Pescatarian and Locavore Meat and Vegegie Recipes !
24 March 2021
Spencer Watts is the BEST Chef. He creates the most DELICIOUS ,QUICK to PREPARE recipes to feed the fam, He is fun to watch, endearing, sweet, organized and creative. He has so many kitchen hacks that cut time and deliver incredibly delicious food in under 30 minutes that picky eaters love. His recipe preparation organization, schedule and timing are gold in a busy life. Also Spencer is incredibly cheerful. Who doesn't need cheerful in their lives? Thank you Chef Spencer for helping all of the busy folks who need to get dinner on the table.You are a lifesaver! You are a just what's needed now. I appreciate your show and YOU and your happiness so much.You make the world a better place with your big bright shining light. Thank you.
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