A Different Kind Of WWII Movie.
23 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Many other reviewers would have given this a better rating if they understood the references within the movie.

It's a WWII, Cult, Alien, Time Travel, Bible, Good & Evil genre all combined in one. ALMOST similar in spirit to THE KEEP.

I think if viewers had some historical background knowledge in some of those areas, they would have appreciated & rated Soldiers of the Damned better.

The biggest first reference is to the Ahnenerbe, Hitlers' Think Tank supposed to design the superior race along Aryan lines. Hitler depended heavily upon this evil minded eugenics team.

Even trying to prove that the Aryan race may have descended from the Gods.

The alien & biblical tie in is to the Nephilim (Giants) which also connects to Scripture Genesis 6.

Kurt & Crew were the 2nd team dispatched to a location in the Hoia-Baciu Forest in Romania to search for an "Artifact".

To this Day, the Forest is well known and the source of many ghost stories through the years. I suggest you google Hoia-Baciu to learn some of the remarkable events that have occurred there.

As this team nears the location they seek, they start to encounter ALL VARIETY of strange events.

The team is made up of 1 Hi-Level Ahnenerbe Professor, 2 Evil SS Officers, and a squad of Regular Army. There is a diversity of beliefs, duty, soul, loyalty among them.

Their beliefs are played against them by what ? As they grow nearer their destination, gruesome scenes of war & death plague them.

The Hoia-Baciu Forest IS the basis of Soldiers of The Damned. The location is in Romania where Germany is fighting the Russians. WWII is the Era.

Cruelty Abounds.

I often give a pass to obvious Graphics if the Storyline, acting, soundtrack, keeps me engrossed.

So, I WILL watch this a few more times to pick up subliminal or minor items that I missed the first time around. This too makes a movie worthwhile.
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