NCIS: Winter Chill (2021)
Season 18, Episode 9
Video Evidence?
22 March 2021
The first thing that the NCIS looks at when they find the dead guy in the truck is the trucking company's security video. They see the driver drop off and pick up the truck, and never see anything else.

At the end of the same episode, now they confront the killer with the same video that shows him knocking the victim into the metal grill, and putting the body in the truck. How much lamer can this get? So they accidentally fast-forwarded the video the first time, and missed this totally incriminating evidence? Even worse is the Perry Mason style confession by the killer. "I snapped because nobody likes me, but I am just doing my job. " Dum dee dum dum.

Then the sub-plot revolves around the incredibly annoying Fornell. He has spent the past four seasons dealing with his daughter's addiction issues, and now that he thinks she has it under control, he drops the bomb on her that he is moving to Costa Rica. Next scene Fornell calls Gibbs to give him some alarming news. Lame, predictable, and numbing. Hopefully this will be the end of Fornell's annoying guest appearances on NCIS?

Finally we get Jimmy Saint Smirky, the "good grief" Charlie Brown coroner who always has some kind of remark to make about everything. Now Doctor Smirk is giving out Dr. Phil advice. Why can't Jimmy get killed off? He has had two bombing attempts and a diner robbery, and yet he continues to ruin this show with his lame humor and need to give people advice.
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