Cargo (2009)
Tries, but doesnt succeed
22 March 2021
Not great unfortunately. Shows some promise at the start, but the characters are so two dimensional you cant get invested in them. Theres the handsome dark guy with the hidden agenda, the nasty pilot chick, the double-crossing deck-hand guys. The story isnt clear in places and its very hard to tell why people are doing things, ie: what their motivation is, in places. There is some pretty impressive set design and the hold itself is great. But then the film reverts to weird tech like immersing oneself in cold porridge to get into cryo-sleep. I mean - why? Things get pretty cliched and bombastic in places, in very predictable ways. If you are after a good foreign sci-fi, with heart (and without all the pretensions at trying to be a block-buster) Aniara is a far more rewarding watch.
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