Satisfying Mindgasm
19 March 2021
Now this, is a solid story and, for the record, I'm neither a MCU or DCEU fan. I'm just a movie connoisseur; I enjoy movies in general. I absolutely adore stories and the way they're told--over any other aspect--in terms of audio visual or motion picture. Here, we're talking the way Zack Snyder retells stories about superheroes. I'm fine with any kind of story.

Apart from the aspect ratio and other complaints e.g the glaring awful CGI, too many slow mos and whatnot, the film delivers what moviegoers deserve: Good storytelling, strong characters and lovely shots/visual; surely, movies do have flaws. Zack Snyder's cut connects the missing plothole dots of the previous theatrical (Whedon's) cut. It really added the character depth and emotion that the previous cut lacked. It's got more soul.It's really worth to watch.

I'm quite satisfied. Thank you. Well done, Zack Snyder and the team. Anyone who considers themselves as DC/superhero movie fan or just movie fan in general should give themselves a chance to watch this movie.

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