The Retreat (I) (2020)
neat but i didn't get it
14 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's an extremely difficult thing to pull off a story in which you give as little information to the audience as possible. The adage of "show, don't tell" sometimes ends up being too much and a story just ends up being completely indecipherable.

This film seems to border upon one of those in which they showed too much and told too little. Gus and Adam go hiking, as Adam is about to get married. They stop at a professor's cabin, have psychadelic tea and learn about the Wendigo. They hike some more and go to sleep. Gus is attacked by a Wendigo and stabs it dead. When he wakes up next morning he finds he has stabbed Adam.

More stuff happens, including some brief flashbacks and encounters with some more Wendigo and Gus wakes up and Adam is alive and well.

While I got the sense of a "fantasy vs reality" struggle going on at times, I couldn't really figure out what this film was going for, as while they ultimately did apparently attempt an expo-dump towards the end, the ideas were simply too dispersed to really click together in a coherent way.

It's entirely feasible that I was just too dumb to figure it out but there just weren't enough clues in the film itself to piece it together.
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