Review of 50M²

50M² (2021)
Adam Yilmaz...fake tailor.
11 March 2021
I'm a big fan of Turkish TV and now find myself watching more Turkish than American TV. Having said that this series is slightly different than most of the Turkish dramas or comedies that I have seen. The subject matter is pretty dark, but there is a surprising amount of comedy. The main character doesn't know what his actual real name is as he was orphaned very young. He goes by the moniker Shadow and has become the "fixer" for a big time gangster named Servet who found him upon his becoming an orphan and raised him like a son to do his dirty work. At the onset of this series they have a falling out and Shadow ends up assuming someone else's name and hiding out in a neighborhood tailor's shop. Coincidentally this neighborhood, which is old and really run down is being prayed upon by local land sharks who are trying to acquire all of the land deeds for a fake reconstruction project. There is violence, murder, drinking, etc...and for the first time ever I heard herpes mentioned in a Turkish show! The neighborhood seems really hopeless and the only light in it is the neighborhood's designated leader who is following in the tradition of his father, not just trying to keep the neighborhood a neighborhood but teach the young to appreciate it.

The acting is great and the comedy was a total surprise. Season one ends in a HUGE cliffhanger. I am really curious to see what happens next.
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