11 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A crew member is fed up with elites and how they treat him, and finds an opportunity for revenge, after a shipwreck.

This was very well made, I'm not getting the harsh complaints. This had the best acting, for the most part, especially coming from the elderly woman.

It has a nice set up, bitter disfigured worker has contempt for the people he works for, and overreacts to the demands asked of him. He talks trash about the wealthy behind their backs and plays mind games to avoid getting in trouble for back talk. The make up department did a great job at making everyone look dirty and sweaty, after days of being stranded on the ship. Even in black and white, and the picture quality not being the best you can tell how much they were suffering and it visibly showing. I got thirsty just watching them yearn for water. I liked how they were able to get the point across without making it vulgar. For example when the crew member had a crush on one of the wealthy women and made at pass at her.

I didn't like the ending. It was wonky and the acting declined and was jarring.
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