Review of Rocks

Rocks (2019)
or "The Kids Aren't Alright " BAFTA favourite
10 March 2021
My Review- Rocks The most nominated movie at the BAFTAS this year with 7 nominations in all. My Rating 7.5 :10 I won't mention the major films that have been snubbed at the new look Politically correct BAFTAS this year except to say that this Independent "Indie" film "Rocks" budget wouldn't even have paid for the catering van on a Blockbuster or mainstream Studio movie The director, of "Rocks"Sarah Gavron's last film, 2015's Suffragette, featured a star-studded cast and reasonably-sized budget. "Rocks" . Sarah Gavron spent a couple of years securing funding, Gavron and her producer Faye Ward eventually secured £3 million - This is a heartfelt contemporary story it could have been alternately titled "The Kids Aren't Alright." Shola (Bukky Bakray), or Rocks, as she's known, lives in a London council flat with her younger brother Emmanuel (D'angelou Osei Kissiedu) and their single mother. Bukky Bakray is nominated for a Best Actress BAFTA and she is wonderful in her role as Emmanuel's protector after her mentally stressed Mum leaves a note to say she has to leave them to "fix her head" Rocks comes home to find her life radically altered: she is suddenly on her own with a child to take care of. Rocks is mercurial, impulsive, and deeply sensitive - not unusual for her age, she sometimes makes desperately poor decisions, for what look to her like good reasons. This leads to misunderstandings with her best friend Sumatra played beautifully by Kosar Ali (nominated for Best Supporting Actress BAFTA ) and basically taking to the streets with brother Emmanuel . I'm amazed that D'angelou Osie Kidsedou didn't get a nomination for Best Supporting Actor he really gives a splendid performance. The film premiered at the 2019 Toronto International Film Festival in the Platform Prize program and hasn't really been noticed by any of the major Awards up till this years BAFTAS and I predict in the BAFTAS new Culturally diverse culture that "Rocks" will Rock at this year's Ceremony.
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