Weak plot, unimpressive characters, shoehorned tropes.
6 March 2021
Cookie cutter characters, excessive and uninspired "Fan Service", below average musical score and a complete lack of drama highlight some of the major flaws in the cliched filled mess that is one of the most bland and unengaging show in 2021.

Overall it feels like a substandard Battle Royal style anime and it lacks originality to make it worth the slog.

This review seems to fly in the face of the majority of the currently posted ones, but have to be the dissenting voice this time around.

  • English Dubbing.

  • Predictable plot.
  • Uninspired characters.
  • Episode titles that lack imagination.
  • Substandard "Fan Service".
  • Inconsistent animation quality.
  • High cheese factor (in a bad way).
  • Excessive trope use.
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