The Last Kingdom: Episode #1.1 (2015)
Season 1, Episode 1
Very good
2 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The first episode of the last kingdom was very good. We were treated with some good action scenes and lots lf drama. I have mixed feelings going into this series as it kinda looks like "Vikings" to me and after watching the pilot I still think it share some similarities with "Vikings". In both shows, the Vikings are portrayed as greedy, savages, and ruthless while their counterparts - the Saxons are the victims and just doing what they have to do to protect their land. But I have to say, I prefer the story in 'the Last kingdom', as the plot is tight and interesting. It's early to draw a conclusion but I found this pilot to be quite good and a good pilot episode means a good series.

We see the Vikings take over the Saxons lands in this episode with brutal battles and whatnot. But they are all background noise as the actual plot revolves around Uthred, we see him as a boy trying to survive as he lost his family to the Vikings, but ironically he ended up being raised by them and only for them to also be slaughtered. Is now a Dane or a Saxon? Which side is he at? But one thing is clear - him wanting to 'take back what's his'.

Overall, a really good pilot. The casting choices were good. The scenery and costumes were nice. The next episode should be exciting.
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