An interesting portrayal
28 February 2021
Just recently I discovered how great these portrayals of real life characters, these peeks behind the curtain, are. I watched the Saddam Hussein series and it was a great watch. This is up there in the same alley from my point of view. This one however, is way better produced and executed.

As a foreigner to the US side of the Atlantic I have very little exposure to the details of the dealings of their local politics. So I do not know how much of this is accurate, but as I did with the Saddam Hussein series, I did some online searching about the characters portrayed here and then Trump himself, just as I did with Saddam Hussein, even though I do know these two characters from normal news exposure.

I learned a lot and even if it's not really useful information for me, I've found myself intrigued by these kind of controversial, almost "evil" characters of history. Of course this one is still basically history in the making and Trump isn't exactly as gruesome and unhinged as, say, Saddam Hussein, but I feel like he's not that far from it either. This series certainly goes on to strengthen that picture.

As a TV production it's catchy and makes you want to see more with each episode. The writing is great, though it's often the case with series based on real life characters or situations. I spotted a lot of actors that I've seen in big productions so it comes as no surprise that the delivery of the characters is top notch. Everything about the production quality passes any immersion tests I subconsciously have, so there were no disruptions to the experience at any point.

I like how the show doesn't have a happy ending. It's a bleak take on the behind the scenes dealings of US presidential politics and big picture FBI stuff, and doesn't really delve too deep into the details or the mechanics of those. It focuses on delivering the story and doesn't require any prior knowledge on how things run. And the story is very melancholic and emotional, something I didn't expect going in.

And sure, while this series is about Comey and the FBI, I find that the more intriguing characters in any entertainment production, be it a book or a movie, are always the "evil" or otherwise unhinged ones. This is no exception for me, and I find that Trump was certainly the most interesting character portrayed here.

All in all, it's a brilliant show as entertainment. I don't know about its accuracy so I can't say if it has any value for history buffs, but then again I don't really know how accurate similar shows like Narcos or House of Saddam are either, but I've considered them good picks for people interested in (modern) history.
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