The Sopranos: The Weight (2002)
Season 4, Episode 4
1 incident in this episode marks it down to a 1 star.
26 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
**Does Contain Spoilers**. For a businessman like Sil, running his own strip club joint and being a Consigliere to the DiMeo crime family, he sure was THICK in what he did in that episode. As was Tony S.

You would just NOT visit a bunch of decrepid hit people, then give them a photograph of the victim Johnny Sack AND standing next to him the image of Tony S. Just would NEVER happen. No one is that THICK.

Then just say to hit the one on the left, not even marking the victim Johnny Sack with an X or such marking. In case this hit crew got it the wrong way around or misheard or forgot. Tony S would have been CUT OUT of the photo with scissors.

Just how stupid does the writer Terence Winter think we are?. Didn't David Chase look over the writing before it was made?. He produced it It would not have happened, risking that INCRIMINATING Photo floating around. So Terence Winter wants us to believe Tony S dug out a photo of Johnny Sack & himself and handed it over to Sil.

Tony S wanting himself in a photo with Johnny Sack floating around the place in the hands of a hit crew, who could have had it upon their person during the hit, themselves possibly getting hit with that photo being discovered, by the rival mob or even the Police.

The writer Terence Winter just did not think this out. Bit of POOR writing here really isn't it in this instance when it comes down to the fine detail. Other scenes in this episode were entertaining, an interesting enough storyline throughout this episode, quite absorbing. The rest over all was written quite well. BUT that 1 total BUNGLE of the plot, such a big glaring oversight has to be a 1 star.

Yes some other good stuff in this episode, anything with Mr Magoo is always good for a laugh. By far the funniest character in the entire series, the straighter he played it the more comical he was. Such a great portrayal. Almost everything he ever said the way he said it was such a laugh.

But that photo malarkey was very Poor. Unrealistic. An oversight that marred this decent enough episode. I don't want to keep marking them all down, but there are SO MANY flaws to individual episodes that can't be overlooked & should not be, even if the bigger picture is far more palatable. A historic TV series without doubt, though a flawed one.

AS was the recent episodes of the scene of Adriana being pulled into the FBI office then they see she thinks her uncle Richie Aprile was in the witness program not shot dead by Tony S's crew.

Did the FBI use that all the way thereafter? To play on that they thought Tony S had her Uncle killed, to totally flip her, so she ACTIVELY ratted them out. Poor script writing there, totally unrealistic. That would have been played on to the FULLEST each and every time they ever met up. Tony S had your Uncle killed what information have you got.

PS, it was the poor handling of his crew by Tony S in not getting an instant apology out of Ralph when he insulted Tony Sack's wife Ginny, who played a lovely woman and didn't deserve that insult. Even some of Tony S's crew would have liked her, respected her and stood up for her. Tony S was over all a poor underboss/boss. Problems stemming from him.

Tony S should have balled Ralph out right away, to put an end to any such possible escalating problems between the mob factions. Then the rat Paulie Walnuts may not have blabbed to Johnny sack while in the joint. The trouble he caused there. (Poor handling by Tony S yet again that Paulie was upset! he would do such a thing). Throughout the series for a code of silence outfit, they all sure did their fair share of blabbing.
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