Katherine (1975 TV Movie)
24 February 2021
The movie reflected how the United States and the rest of the world are barreling towards. Instead of going forward toward justice and equality, the nation is speeding towards tearing away the few pennies that impoverished people have, and pure hatred and anger and rage towards those who are not WASPs. The focus of Americans is on competing on who is the wealthiest and who owns the biggest yachts or has the most property. It's like playing a big game of monopoly. Gather the most wealth, ignore or tear down the disenfranchised. Greed is good. Imperialism is the only thing wealthy Americans know - place a knee to the neck of people of color. Are you a multi-millionaire, no I'm a billionaire. Does a person really need that much money? The acting was sufficient and the storyline worked, but it's the same old story since the Egyptians built the pyramids on the backs of its slaves. You are insignificant, you are not important. Shut up and build.
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