Promised "Something" - Delivered Nothing
24 February 2021
Short: too much was compromised and this could have been a huge sleeper I would want to watch over and over. I watch tons of movies, many horrible. I regret seeing this and don't want to watch it again. Read on below if you wish.

You're average superhero movie is more believe than this.

Sure it's a movie so you likely need suspend disbelief. Be they not only ask you to suspend more than 100%. It's a war movie that goes full throttle into fantasy.

CHLOË Is an okay actress. I've enjoyed some of here work. But it's like the director had no idea what to tell her and CHLOË lost focus or was given mixed direction.

The movie tries to mix too many varied styles that don't work together.

What's with the antagonist. Sure I get how it fits into the time and theme. But why it's obsession with things. It's like they were trying to say something but all the bridging scenes ended up on the cutting room floor.

Then there's the whole subplot and trying to make something out of the protagonist. It's clear what they're trying to do; but they just went totally overboard with it as if they wanted to ram it down your throat at any costs. They could have made the same message without overdoing it.

Then there's all the weird cut scenes.

The vastly limited sets / locations like it's a one act play it they were given the smallest budget possible. I can almost see that after paying CHLOË most of their (limited) budget was gone and they had nothing left.

I can see how they want to have a main plot and a supporting, but different subplot; but the movie is more like a mash up of two different movies they tried to smash together.

I could see this having been so much better if the writing wasn't seeming butchered and the director confused as to what they really wanted to say, or even how they could convert it.
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