Been there, done that....
23 February 2021
Had Leon Errol made just a few domestic comedies, I think I would have enjoyed them a lot more than I did "Wife Tames Wolf". This is because I find the majority of his RKO shorts incredibly lazy...with variations on the exact same plot being recycled again and again. In most of the films, Leon is either carousing or it looks as if he's carousing and the wife becomes violent and threatens divorce. This is probably why the IMDB summary says "Caught philandering (for the 1867th time, give or take a couple)"!!

When the story begins, the inebriated Leon arrives home very late and he tries to sneak into their home. Naturally he's caught and she's furious and threatens to head to Reno for a quick divorce. Later, when she tells her neighbors about what an awful philanderer Leon is, Bob convinces her that she can cure Leon of his terrible behavior. How? See the film to find out for yourself.

As I mentioned above, the plot to this is terribly familiar...too familiar. Because of that, I cannot rate this RKO short very high. After all, it seems like lazy film making....which it was. Errol was famous for his drunk act and playing the carouser....but to do it in most of these films is just ridiculous. So, if you've seen a half dozen, you are essentially finished unless you can find a non-carousing film! He did make a few...but only a few.
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