White Wall (2010)
An impressive film with a good story.
21 February 2021
White wall is a tale of two brothers and their resentment towards each other in an intense post-apocalyptic world where crime rules above all else. We follow a group of brothers who grew up together in an internment camp who manage to get out alive and go their separate ways. That is until Shawn, one of the brothers, finds out that one of the others has been killed. This takes him down a dark path unravelling secrets that create for a gripping storyline.

The acting in White Wall is better than I originally anticipated considering the low budget for the film and the writing only makes the story more convincing. The cinematography is great and reminds me of the film "parasite". As well as this, the environment of the movie reminds me of the film "I am legend" which incorporates small wasteland towns and villages.

The tension between the brothers builds throughout the course of the film and ends with a glorious battle between Shawn and Jude that is brilliantly shot. Overall, I would consider giving this a watch if you enjoy impressive cinematography and films with a strong story line.
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