Steins;Gate (2011–2015)
Steins;Gate sets its self as the crème de la crème of the animated sci-fi genre with its excellent story and lovable characters
19 February 2021
First things first, props to everyone involved behind this anime series for how well they were able to transform the source material (visual novel) into another media, compressing it to fit a number of episodes and trimming it down to what's absolutely essential, all while maintaining a fantastic quality of its final outcome.

Steins;Gate wastes no time getting into the story in its very first episode. I've seen others mention that the show starts slow, however, I do not think that's the case and believe that the necessary build-up does not have any dull moments and pays-off really well later on when gears start to shift. Each episode really builds the momentum and leaves viewers anticipating towards the end of each episode, making it hard to take a break once the show has started.

One thing that I find this series remarkable for is its blend of other genres aside from its main sci-fi genre, creating a well rounded setting for its characters, their interaction with their surroundings, and their interaction with each other. Almost none of the characters can be counted out as a main character, as they are all unique individuals developed and fitted with an important role to play and a story to tell.

Steins;Gate really takes you for a ride as you feel the roller-coaster of emotions self-proclaimed mad scientist Hououin Kyouma (real name Rintaro Okabe) goes through. Occurring themes open up insights, thoughts, and reflection on human nature, fixation on the past and future, the dangers and threats presented by technological advancement, among others, and really gives the show a lot of depth.

At times vulnerable, or heartwarming, or funny, or thrilling, or bittersweet, but always quirky, Steins;Gate mixes its elements very well and creates a sci-fi fantasy with the right amount of everything to make it one of the best anime series of all time.
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