This film plays like a Public Service Announcement for the . . .
18 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
. . . National Shooting Irons Association. A skirt named Francoise has a big problem. Her playboy husband is a serial womanizer. Francoise has suffered through at least 15 or 20 dalliances by the time the events depicted in JOURNAL OF A CRIME unfold, exposing her to a myriad of S.T.D.'s and draining her family's finances. With the way her misbehaving spouse is sowing his wild oats, this gal cannot even get her easy bake oven cooking with its first bun. To add in salt to injury, her wayward jerk of a groom has the gall to demand a divorce to wed his latest paramour. This is the straw that breaks the opossum's back. Francoise packs her Derringer in a purse, storms down to her horrid husband's work place, and fatally perforates his boy toy's back. After you enjoy JOURNAL OF A CRIME, don't forget to give your fellow citizens an equal shot to enjoy Francoise's moment of triumph by supporting your local chapter of BANGS (Broke Americans Need Gun Stamps).
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