Criminal Minds: Rusty (2020)
Season 15, Episode 7
This show sure has gotten rusty
16 February 2021
With a vast majority of the previous Season 15, replacing Season 11 as the worst season of 'Criminal Minds' and definitely the worst one since, episodes being so weak, part of me did decide to not get too excited about this episode and onwards if it was going to continue being disappointing. Always feel bad about saying anything bad about any 'Criminal Minds' episode, but many of the latter seasons outings are heavily flawed and much of Season 15 is an example of the show at its worst.

That is including "Rusty", a strong contender for the worst of Season 15. Though that is a hard decision to make with most of the previous episodes of Season 15 being as weak as each other for similar or the same reasons. Again, not everything here is a complete failure but very few titles for any 'Criminal Minds' episode were this (or more) apt. Rusty is a perfect way to describe how the quality in storylines and writing have declined the way they have on the show.

"Rusty" looks fine visually, a lot of slickness and atmosphere in the way it's shot. The music, from the memorable theme tune all the way through when used, has a not overdone creepiness that isn't there in the storytelling.

Don't have any issues with the acting either, the regulars do a good job with what they were given which was beneath them. Something that was true of the material for most of Season 15.

On the other hand, the story is a mess. It is not only excessively predictable, with there being nothing surprising, fresh or particularly clever, due to it being again indicative of the show being well past its sell by date ideas wise. It is not only very bland, with a dull pace and very little urgency or suspense due to being pretty thin. It is also very far fetched and goes well overboard on the strangeness, even for the concept. The unsub is easily the most bizarre of the season and the most bizarre in a while for this show (am aware it was a deliberate choice conceptually, but the strangeness was overkill), and the way they look is so cheap and unintentionally silly (even for their state of mind) and it is impossible to take them seriously. There is nothing interesting or menacing about them, which also adds to the blandness.

Furthermore, the writing is very cheesy and needed to be a lot tauter than it was. The pace can be erratic, it can be very dull because of but structurally it can be rather jumpy as well with things jumping from one thing to another with little development which made things confused. The team members have all been much more interesting in other episodes and the team work has also been more cohesive and their chemistry more connected elsewhere. Also thought that there was not enough of their (here very conventional) procedure work and that the truth was gotten to far too late.

In conclusion, another weak episode. 3/10
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