Not Enough Christina Gregg
16 February 2021
Watching TWO WIVES AT ONE WEDDING strictly for the presence of British model/actress Christina Gregg is a big let down...

And can be summed up in one sentence that her would-be husband, a World War II vet played by Gordon Jackson, says before facing the climatic face-off against two con artists: "Stay in the car!"

Sadly that (mostly proverbial) car includes the present time that's only half the picture, mostly taking place in flashbacks in war-torn France where he's taken into a safe house, wounded, delirious. And winds up blowing-it even worse than a few years later when he infamously utters "Good Luck" in THE GREAT ESCAPE...

The biggest let-down however is that this living-room-mystery's femme fatale, Lisa Daniely, crashing on Jackson and Gregg's wedding by claiming that she married him during the war (and that flashback), never embraces or is allowed to embrace her villainy, making TWO WIVES a talky exercise in futility, and one that should have ended in a cat fight.
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