Hunter: City Under Siege: Part 1 (1989)
Season 5, Episode 11
Starts off with a bang
15 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is easily the best of the three parts of this special TV event: the Iris subplot starts off great, her menace is established very well, and there's a general feeling that everything is falling apart. People are frustrated by various systemic breakdowns -- school becoming a war zone, a community deals with a criminal element and a lack of power to defend themselves -- and you got Robert Vaughn doing a guest turn as someone who wants to take on this 'City Under Siege.' All and all, it works wonderfully.

Sadly, the rest of the event doesn't live up with it, but this first episode is really fun in a very '80s way. It even ends on a pretty nice cliffhanger as well. But enjoy it while it lasts, because the other two parts really don't continue this sense of menace and decay.
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