Navy Secrets (1939)
Not exactly one of the great films of 1939.
14 February 2021
Many experts on films think that 1939 was the best year for American film and while they may just be right, not everything made in that year was gold...such as "Navy Secrets". "Navy Secrets" is a cheaply made B-movie from Monogram Pictures with few thrills and a lot of talk. It frankly should have been better. The film stars the bland Grant Withers and the equally bland Fay Wray. And neither seem able to breath much life into this spy yarn. Despite a bit of excitement towards the end, the film just plods along to the finale...and a twist, which if you think about it, is pretty silly as well. Definitely a time-passer and nothing else.

By the way, until nearly the time the US entered WWII in December, 1941, American films stayed clear of talking about the Nazis. Much of this was because they didn't want to alienate foreign markets and much of it because of a silly law that violated the First Amendment that said American films had to remain neutral on the war! That's why you never hear mention of WHERE the spies are from, though I thought it interesting that several at the end seemed to have German accents.
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