A Paella/Pasta crime thriller set in Lisbon including a number of murders, thrills , fights and crossfire
12 February 2021
A British undercover agent : Anthony Steffen is assigned to tranport the corpse of a murdered agent from Lisbon to England . But then he decides to stay at Lisbon and discover the real killer. Along the way he faces off a strange mobster : Eduardo Fajardo and a band of drug smugglers.

A paella/spaguetti crime thriller co-produced by Spain/Italy with Giallo elements , packing intrigue , action , brawls , chases , red herrings , suspense and brief nudism . This is a B-entertainment with a fairly thrilling and suspenseful story in which a series killer on the loose carrying out a criminal spree . This one is rated as a Giallo but it is more a thriller than a slasher movie , it fact it combines four genres of the Sixties and Seventies : Crime thriller , Giallo, Eurospy movie and Italian Poliziesco . Stars the notorious Spaghetti star Anthony Steffen along with his ordinary contender in a lot of Pasta/Paella Westerns : Eduardo Fajardo , and other regulars to sub-genres of the 60s and 70s as Antonio Pica, Julian Ugarte , Luis Gaspar , Julio Perez Tabernero , Alfonso de la Vega and Raf Baldassarre . Adding some beautiful Eurotrash Starlettes as Maria Kosti , Romy and Carmen Yazalde or Britt Nichols , Jesús Franco's regular .

It displays an atmospheric cinematography by cameraman Gino Santini , adding sightseeing from Lisbon city including a thrilling car pursuit along the 25th of April Bridge . Being shot on location in Lisbon, London , Barcelona ana Rome .Plus , it contains a moving , stirring musical score by Marcello Giombini accompanying adequately the action .The picture was middlingly directed by the prolific writer/director Juan Bosch . This Spanish filmmaker was a craftsman who made a lot of films in all kinds of genres such as Tortilla Western : Dallas, God in Heaven Arizona on Earth , And the crows will dig your grave , My Horse my gun your widow , Ciudad maldita , Stagecoach of the condemned . Comedy : Mauricio mon amour , 40 años sin sexo, Caray con el divorcio , El terrible de Chicago , El Castigador, Los Locos vecinos del Segundo, La dudosa virilidad de Cristóbal, Un Rolls para Hipolito . Terror : Exorcismo , Secta siniestra . And thriller , Giallo : In Cold Blood , Criminal Investigation, The killer wore gloves , The Killer with a Thousand eyes. Rating : 5.5/10 . Passable and acceptable .
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