1917 (2019)
One of the best war films I've seen
12 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There have been some incredible war films in the past, 'Saving Private Ryan', 'All Quiet On The Western Front' and of course 'Schindler's List' but the 2019 release, both written and directed by Sam Mendes, '1917' is easily one of the best. George Mackay and Dean-Charles Chapman star as two soldiers in the middle of World War 1, who are sent across enemy lines, and deep into enemy territory, to deliver an urgent message that will result in the saving of 1600 lives. My first mention has to go to cinematographer Roger Deakins. This is an outstandingly beautifully shot movie. It has been filmed to look like one continuous shot, following these two soldiers through a war. Obviously, there are moments in the film where I'm sure cuts were made, darkness obscures the screen for a moment, but despite that, this is a massive technical achievement and the brilliance of it can not be ignored. As they progress from the open graveyard of no man's land to the abandoned but still dangerous German trenches, the unexpected fallout from a dogfight to a burning town in the dead of night, most audiences will quickly stop thinking about the technique at play and simply give themselves over, entirely, to this journey into hell. The production, costume and pace of the film are simply perfect. It takes you along on their mission as if you are with them and there are some seriously edgy moments too. The thing I loved about the film, well one of the things I loved about the film, is the feeling of 'realism'. It isn't a sweet, sentimental, predictable jaunt, it's full of problems for these guys. They come across trip-wires underground, deserted villages where you're not sure if they are actually deserted. It's seriously nerve-wracking, you never feel like they're safe, this is done so well in this film, they always feel like there's someone just around the corner. One sequence, in particular, is so intense. One of the characters is running through this rubble and flares are going off, and gunfire can be heard in the background and you think at any second, one of these bullets could hit this guy, and the music is rising, along with the tension, it is 'edge of your seat' stuff. The acting is, well simply outstanding. Director Sam Mendes wanted to make sure the lead characters were not 'big names' and relatively unknowns and this was an excellent choice as it made you care more about the actual characters. There are a few 'names' as cameos, Colin Firth, Benedict Cumberbatch, Mark Strong and Andrew Scott make appearances but it's the leads that you invest in.

The direction from Mendes is exceptional. The score from Thomas Newman, who has scored films for Sam Mendes before, including 'Road To Perdition', 'Skyfall' and 'American Beauty' to name a few, is so good in this film. The visual effects are incredible. If I had any 'niggles' it would be that the character development of the leads was a touch weak, and as much as you are invested in what's happening you don't care as much as you could. This is a remarkable film though, and with all, it's technical brilliance, it's amazing acting, atmosphere, tension and incredible visuals the 'niggle' I had is insignificant. Easily one of the best films I have seen in a very long time.
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