Two times three
12 February 2021
Of these two stories in general, there is more of a preference for the better known 'The Three Little Pigs'. Which has been portrayed and parodied in animation many times previous, with varying but mostly well done success. That is not disparaging 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff' though, as the character of the troll is a memorable one but narratively 'The Three Little Pigs' just engages me more somewhat. Have loved a lot of Rabbit Ears Productions' animations and what has been seen of Holly Hunter has been good as well.

This 1989 adaptation of the two stories for me was a little more uneven than the previous Rabbit Ears Productions adaptations, the only one up to this point of the series to get a less than loved it reaction from me. By all means, it is still very enjoyable on the most part and absolutely well worth watching, but it is a case of one story being executed better than the other in my view. Which could be partly down to in general preferring one story to the other, so that may have unintentionally coloured my opinion a little.

Have no issues with the drawing whatsoever. It is courtesy of David Jorgensen, who brought his simple but beautiful illustration style to two of the series' best 'The Velveteen Rabbit' and 'The Steadfast Tin Soldier' and the very good Beatrix Potter adaptations. He does this again here in both 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff' and 'The Three Little Pigs' and its elegant attention to detail and lush colouring, even when keeping things understated are incredibly striking. The music also fits nicely, not being too loud or too constant while still having presence.

Was impressed by the way both stories are written. Especially 'The Three Little Pigs', which had suspense and a whimsical wit, they are adapted very faithfully and in a way accessible to younger audiences. 'The Three Little Pigs' also fares the better of the two stories, the pacing has more energy without being rushed and there is more to the story, more charm and fun. Generally the characters are well characterised, the troll and especially the wolf coming off best though the third pig's cunning and resourcefulness is relatable.

For me, 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff' doesn't quite have the same amount of energy and charm and the story in general being slighter didn't completely grab me. Only the troll of the characters in this story stuck in my mind.

Generally, Hunter does well as narrator. She has the right bedtime story manner and has sensitivity. Do think though that she could have gone for it more and been more playful at times, especially in 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff'.

Summing, pretty good but not great so a slight disappointment. 7/10
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