Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye: The Holocaust Survivor (2004)
Season 2, Episode 13
The story is okay, but this is to refute the previous review a bit
11 February 2021
It's true that many in the United States do not have a full picture of the Holocaust, but many millions throughout the world do not either. We were taught in history that it wasn't only Jews who were sent to the concentration camps and/or killed. It is definitely not a country-specific issue.

My biggest quibble with the previous review is this: Sue Thomas, F.B.Eye is a Canadian show, not a US one. Just because it's supposed to be about the FBI and is, in fact, based on the real Sue Thomas, doesn't make it a US show. To accuse the general public in the USA of ignorance based on an episode of a show not even produced here is silly

Although I am enjoying the series overall, it is wildly inaccurate in its portrayal of the FBI in ways large and small. I am willing to overlook that because this is fictional entertainment for me. The characters are engaging enough and most of the plots are decent with some quite good. One thing that is reasonably accurate and different from many other shows is that they rarely go in guns blazing mowing down the bad guys nor do they wildly shoot at escaping criminals without regard for civilians in the area.

In any case, it's a good idea to keep in mind that Sue Thomas is a Canadian show, not a United States one.
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