Yeah, that was a swing and a miss...
10 February 2021
Granted, with a title such as "Zombie Ninjas vs Black Ops", I must admit that my expectations to the movie were slim to none. Needless to say that I hadn't even heard about this 2015 movie prior to now in 2021 when I sat down to watch it.

Right from the very start, this movie had cards stacked against it. I mean, that sound they opted for having the zombie ninjas making was just laughably bad. Even a lion would tremble if it heard that sound. So yeah, the movie was definitely not off to a great start.

And believe you me, it didn't get better as the movie trotted on. The storyline and script in the movie was just rubbish. But then again, I hadn't really put my hopes up for much from the movie. I had hoped though, on some level, that the movie would be so awkward and goofy that it would be fun to watch. But "Zombie Ninjas vs Black Ops" wasn't one such movie; nay, it was just a downright bad movie.

Sure, the production level was fairly good for a movie of this type, and they definitely seemed to know what they were aiming for. But the movie concept just didn't work out for me, not even in the least bit.

I am sure that there is an audience out there for a movie such as the 2015 "Zombie Ninjas vs Black Ops", I just wasn't in that particular audience.

My rating of "Zombie Ninjas vs Black Ops" lands on a generous two out of ten stars.
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