Very close to my experience. Rewatch for the sequel.
7 February 2021
I know some people have said this movie is unrealistic, but it was more or less pretty similar to my experience. It's been over a decade since I lived that life, but it brought back some painful memories and reminded me how lucky I am. I thought the movie did a great job of portraying what most days are like for a addict. I have been all of these characters wrap into one. Most days are the same as the day before. So, if you want to see the sequel, just rewatch this movie. Side note: Seems as though no matter where you live the dope man takes forever. Every addict has the same experience. "I'm 5 min away.... No go here instead, I'm 15 min away... I'm coming over the bridge I'm 10 min away" Just goes to show, they sell drugs for a reason. Because they're horrible businessmen.
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