All American: High Expectations (2021)
Season 3, Episode 3
High Expectations - This Episode delivered!
3 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
10 Minutes in and i can say this episode has a lot of action pact scenes,

20 Minutes In: I'm loving the Spencer/Olivia Vibes, did they sleep together, did they not, more episodes will obviously show what happened with a flashback, the secrets and lies are everywhere.

30 Minutes In: I miss Jordan and Spencer being together, these guys fought like brothers played like brothers the bond between them is insane, need to see more of them, Coop needs to chill. I think she's going to ruin and turn Mo evil. Damn that Kicker reference in the beginning played a big role, hope they get an amazing kicker, the game was awesome Spencer was amazing.

40 Minutes In: Asher and Vanessa seem good, but honestly they're for me a side character that i don't want to focus on i want to focus on Spencer and Darnell, they had a really good game. Hope Darnells Mom gets well soon as with that news at the end it might tear up Darnell from Football.
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