Criminal Minds: Ghost (2020)
Season 15, Episode 5
Long distance serial killer
2 February 2021
Was really not impressed with the first three episodes of Season 15, before being pleasantly surprised by the previous episode "Saturday" (not a popular opinion probably). So despite trusted fellow fans of 'Criminal Minds' not liking "Ghost" at all, there were glimmers of hope as the idea did sound interesting. And there was the hope that before watching the episode that Season 15 would be a season where it started off shakily and got better after a certain point. Not to be.

"Ghost" didn't continue the big improvement seen with "Saturday". If anything the quality went backwards and has everything that was wrong about Season 15 present. Most of the episodes were very weak for similar and even the same reasons to each other, apart from two ("Saturday" and "Face Off" and "Under the Skin" was sort of watchable") and "Ghost" in my view was among the worst. Nice concept but weak and severely underdeveloped execution in a bland and often ridiuculous episode.

The episode is not without its moments. The photography is particularly well done of the suitably creepy production values, especially in the quite unsettling way the case is introduced. The music also has an ominous presence without over-emphasising or being over-the-top.

Did like the performances, lead and supporting.

Same cannot be said for the case. One that, even for the type that it is, is incredibly derivative and clearly indicative of the show having run out of ideas. The pace is dull and there is no tension or suspense, actually thought that the episode felt phoned in. Some of it is beyond ridiculous too especially the latter stages. The unsub had potential but turned out to be very cliched and didn't turn out to be one that was irredeemably menacing or sympathetic despite uncondonable actions due to a lack of development.

Really didn't buy how long it took for the team, again out of their depth and almost pointless, to figure out the truth when the viewer is well ahead of them the whole time and when it is so obvious. The ending completely lacks urgency or thrills and was almost over too quickly.

In summary, hugely disappointing. 3/10
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