Awful By Any Standards
2 February 2021
The best Craven flick is only so-so. Let's be honest about that. Whether it's Nightmare or Serpent it consists of forgettable characters in crazy situations and some powerful shocking moments. And quite enjoyable! Not this one. This one falls flat by any measuring stick. Lousy even the low bar set for '80's "horror". We get every gimmick and cliche the genre has to offer. Ernest B. was particularly annoying as the over the top religious zealot. Definitely some gorgeous young woman to distract from all the absurd nothing going on with the plot. Last House had awful acting too but there were other elements in that film to keep things interesting and moving forward. Too many contradictions and outright silly moments for me to enjoy. I never expect much from Wes but this doesn't even reach the Good Try category. The best acting here was done by the tractor and the spiders.
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