1 February 2021
In less than 24 hours I had the privilege to watch Jeo Baby's last two movies. One being a less than average film with a title of 'Kilometers and Kilometers' and another a gem called 'The great Indian Kitchen'.

The second one is a gem not because of it's dialogues, cinematography, music or sceneic representation but rather despite of it, just because of it's story and subject.

At least 5 people I personally know had recommended me to watch this movie, from a Bengali to Malayalis. Finally got to watch it with a friend's subscription on Neestream. Totally worth the hype and it's high time we change the Patriarchal norms acoustamisd in our society to Equality in the real sense.

As a male and that too a newly married one, this movie was totally relatable not the torture parts but rather, I did feel guilty that women had/has to go such ordeals of hardships and exploitation. From childhood I have been told to pick my own things and get my own water but how many families do they teach such discipline?

Jeo Baby says Amazon and Netflix rejected his movie, Netflix should have choosen this over Kilometers and Kilometers.

Like Government exempts few movies from entertainment tax, such movies on OTT platform should also be made free or subsidized. As the Union budget today focused on PPP we should also have PPP model for brilliant and movies that are pivotal to the society. As someone said that "Rang de Basanti" was a Superhit but same applied in real life is not much appreciated for instance Farmer's Protest. Why so Hypocritical Society?? Why...

The saying goes discrimination begins from home, I would say discrimination starts from Kitchen.

Atleast Kerala had the guts to make and release this movie, in the Northern,Eastern and Western even few Southern belts of India I doubt that it would be released so easily, some or the other "Sena" would have objected, called out, and threatened to boycott or even chop off heads. Even if the problem is persisted in all parts but atleast few states have the courage to show up. The first step towards solving any problem is identification and acceptance of the problem. This isn't a gutsy or great cinema rather it's just reality portrayal in the simplistic way possible.

No music and no nonsense. Just the female protagonist Nimisha Sajayan her husband played by Suraj Venjaramood and her choppping, mopping, cleaning. Not all abuses are direct and evident like verbal or sexual, some are intrusion of private space and freedom, causing immense internal violence. This film touches the chords of many people because it's so realistic and relatable. Everyone has experienced some kind of such tragic moments.

The film also talks about the most important topic Oops sorry the taboo we Indians have. The obsession we have with Periods. Period. It's a natural biological thing why create so much fuss about it. I hope someday everything changes for good.

Submission is not the solution.

I love the way in the end, she drives her car but what I really really love is the subtle presence of Chekutty dolls, if you don't know what they are kindly Google it. Also as a Gujrati I feel proud that a Gujrati samaj school is shown in the end. Also a beautiful and brilliant dance performance in the end far better than Dance India Dance type's.

This movie should be shown to newly weds, college students and even school children.

A movie not just to be watched, but to be thought, discussed, debated, and evoluted and finally implemented.
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