1 February 2021
I love this show. I love every other Star Wars show. Well, how can i describe this episode? All i can say without spoiling is that this is legendary. My favorite part was the last 3 minutes. I had hoped to see more of Thrawn and Ezra confrontation, where there was a battle between them. But no, it didn't really matter because every other part is excellent. Thank you, Dave. I honestly thought that i'd just forget this entire show after watching the whole seasons once. But i was wrong. I can't even get the thoughts out of my mind about this. It's stuck in here like Clone Wars. And i'm glad it is.

Now, about the characters. My favorite is Kanan. He didn't deserve to...,you know. He was the "Obi-wan" in this show. Then Hera, her leadership is admirable and she is a great pilot. The major part of Rebellion in the show. Then Ezra, Sabine and Zeb along with Chopper. Ezra had a great character development throughout the series. I love his character too. Sabine is a great warrior which she proves in certain episodes with the help of Kanan's training. Zeb, he is one of the best because he brings joy and fun along with everything. Chopper, Dave's character is exceptional. One of the best Astro-mech i've ever seen. He is hilarious but at the same time caring even though he acts like he don't. And truly loyal to Hera. love 'em. I love them all. Every single one of 'em. And not just them, but the show and Star wars franchise too.
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