What you gonna do with those Hobgoblins?
31 January 2021
After somewhat spinning the wheels with a familiar plot in part four, at least a lot happens here. A decent opening scene shows the realities of being class president not involving changing the world in one go.

Then plotlines move on. There is solid progression. Nothing really annoys. Some characters who aren't really getting storylines this season do actually get some action.

It does try to make you emote over a big choice the two Sabrina's have, but never really manages it.

Ditto Robin who faces a tricky emotional choice. I couldn't take one seriously because the resolution was a bit perfunctory, and because it reminded me of a certain song from Mystery Science theatre 3000.

But the end of one late scene is a glorious surprise, and will make you want to see what happens next.

And the Nick Sabrina stuff actually works. Well enough
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