An unrealistic, but good, miniseries!
31 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly let me say, YAY HOT GINGER ALLERT! As a ginger myself I loved seeing a ginger being fabulous(even if she ain't one irl) Secondly, Anya Taylor-Joy did a great job in this mini-series. Her acting was mostly flawless and generally great to watch. The only thing I'd point my fingers at, and I don't know if that's a directors problem or an actors, is that because of her constant "cold" demeanor I found it quite difficult to connect with her character at times. I think it would've been nice to see a broader verity of emotion. Even when her adoptive mother dies, she still has the same "face". The only time she has a "big" emotion is when she revisits her orphanage, which is like the last episode of the series.

The series in itself did, in my opinion, at times move a bit fast, yet slow at others. I felt the buildup at the orphanage was at times slow. And her getting over her addiction in the final episode very rushed. I mean come on, it was a life-long addiction. That's not something you just decide to stop.

From a writers perspective, I felt that there could've been a more distinct correlation between all the flashbacks to her mother and to the current events in the show. Often I found myself wondering why I was shown this or that, which isn't great when trying to make me connect with my main character.

Historically the whole thing is a fantasy, but not one I hated. I personally enjoyed the fact that she didn't 'have' to overcome sexism, no matter how unrealistic it is and would've been had it actually been real life. I also appreciated the fact that no sexual harassment nor sexual abuse played a part in Beth Harmons backstory. I loved the fact that the men in her life celebrated her, instead of berating her. Even if she had tossed them aside as romantic partners.

I didn't really understand the point of Cleo, and what she as a character brought to the story, but maybe that's just me. I generally believe you could've written her out completely and it wouldn't have changed a thing, which in my opinion, makes for a expendable character. Beth could've still liked Paris and the idea of Paris without Cleo, and literally could've just fallen back into old habits and gotten herself the drink at the bar that results in her game being thrown the day after. Plus Cleo disappears right after never to return? I mean what's the point?

All in all, I'd say it's a 7/10. It's a good show, and I enjoyed it. I don't know if I'll watch it again, but I definitely enjoyed watching it the first time. Makes me wanna buy a Chess set.
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