Not just dull, but a complete fabrication in this 'documentary'.
30 January 2021
In 1929, silent film actress Joan Lowell's book "Cradle of the Deep" was published and became a sensation. However, some time later, it was discovered that she made up the entire seafaring story....and she had, in fact, never even left the waters of California! Oddly, despite the book being debunked, in 1934 "Adventure Girl" debuted and is based on this fictional book marketed as fact.

The film is done documentary style....with no dialog other than Lowell's narration. It consists of a journey aboard a sailboat that eventually led to a treasure map, a giant emerald and death-defying stunts.

Believe it or not, despite the content of the film, it was a very boring and rather unprofessional looking movie. It's not quite as bad as the summary on IMDB indicates (read it...you'll see what I mean) but it is pretty bad....not just because it's not true but because it's dull and could have been told much better. If the story had been a traditional movie with dialog, it certainly would have been better.

By the way, if you do watch, and I don't recommend it, be forewarned that you'll see quite a few creatures killed during the course of the story. Many of these are not exactly cuddly, such as a tarantula and a snake, but it looks as if they did kill a few animals to spice up the dull story.
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