Review of Mr. Mayor

Mr. Mayor (2021–2022)
As a millennial born and raised in LA
24 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There were so many millennial and LA-centric references, more than what I'd expect from a run-of-the-mill NBC comedy. I chuckled at a lot of references and one-liners, but they were pretty hollow chuckles because everything felt so forced. Even by episode 3 there doesn't seem to be much chemistry with anyone.

While watching the first ep I kept wondering, "Does America REALLY need a show like this?" Like what exactly does this show offer when it comes to understanding the human experience? Other shows explore father-daughter relationships, progressive politics, and office humor MUCH MUCH BETTER. I did love the random song about Sacramento, Sacramento is so iconic but always gets overshadowed by LA and SF, so it was cute to see Sac get a shout out.

Honestly, I think the writers shot themselves in the foot by failing to focus more on the municipal politics and the personalities that exist within government buildings. Didn't they learn anything from the success of Parks and Rec?
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