The best of the franchise
22 January 2021
The second Step Up is no doubt the best of all movies from the franchise. The story is touching in the right measure, without becoming too melodramatic, because of course it's not the intention of a movie about street dance. Anyway, it still achieve the viewer's emotion with the protagonist drama, since she was born in a poor neighbourhood and had some issues with her family. Besides this great story, the movie delivers us some nice dance scenes and the soundtrack is incredible for those that, like myself, loves hip hop music. They put on the OST some huge hits from pop and hip hop scenario at the time and made also the best soundtrack from all Step Up movies. If anyone asks me which one is my personal favorite, I don't think much. Step Up 2 is the best! I don't understand why it's the only one that isn't on a streaming app, just like the ST is not on spotify.
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